

Week In The Life - Sunday

Photos taken on Sunday:  58 with DSLR and 13 with iPhone

I can't believe I did this!  I'm so glad I did and I WILL be doing it again!

Here are some photos from Sunday...

 Watching cartoons with Daddy.

 Checking out the baby goats at his cousin's house.
Hanging out on the back of the truck.

 I was featured for this week's Sunday Sketch!

 Putting dishes away.

 Chillaxin' on the couch.

 Grilled pork steaks for dinner, yum!

Cotton from the cottonwood trees.

 Avery found a worm in the dirt pile.

 Jubal found a frog and chased it around all afternoon.

 We planted a tree Garrison brought home from school.

 They really liked doing this.

I hope this tree makes it!

I began printing off some of my completed layouts yesterday, and I have to say, I was very excited to see the week coming together in my album.  Very cool.  I still have quite a bit of work to do with the smaller photos, but I promise to post photos of the completed album by the end of the week so you can see how awesome this project looks in the end!  

Happy Monday!  TFL! 


Love You More

You can imagine my excitement when I got an email from Tina Azsmus from Studio Calico wanting me to do a layout for the Sunday Sketch this week!  I did a little happy dance and got right to work.  My layout was based on this beautiful page by SC's April guest design team member Belinda Venables.  And here's my take...

You can go to to see the entire post and the sketch.  I was thrilled to contribute and it was such an honor to be featured this past week in the SC member gallery ;)  Holla!

Have a great day and TFS!

Week In The Life - Saturday

Photos taken on Saturday:  60 with DSLR and 7 with iPhone

On Wednesday, I was a little worried that I was going to be sick of this project by the weekend, but I have to say, after looking back over all of the photos I've taken this week, I'm sooooooo glad I did this!  In fact, I'm now kicking myself in the butt for not taking more!

I've slowly started organizing the photos by day in the templates I downloaded from DesignerDigitals and I love how it's coming together.  I've learned a lot since Monday and I even learned how I would do some things a little differently next time around.

Here's some pics from Saturday...

 Getting ready to go with Daddy.

 They'll all be full by the end of the day :)

 Playing house.

That was supposed to be my chocolate milk!

 Picking out the perfect shade of nail polish.

 I cleaned my desk today.

Watching Peppa Pig and working on my WITL album pages.

 The boys are home :)

 He loves his daddy so much.

 Garrison helping Jubal get his bike out of the back of the truck.

 Doing chores.

She LOVES when her daddy gives her a ride!

Today's mail shot.

At the mud bog.

I got to spend the evening all by myself while Jubal took the kids to a local mud bog.  It was peaceful and quiet and just what I needed after this week.  One more day and I've completed my first Week In the Life!  I'm really glad that I did this and stuck with would've been easy to quit, but I'm no quitter!  I hope everyone else is glad they participated, too.  This is going to be amazing when it's all put together.  

Happy Sunday!  TFL!  


Week In The Life - Friday

Photos taken on Friday:  around 52

Friday was the most ordinary day of the whole week.  I didn't have any random appointments or errands to run.  We stayed at home all day, except when I had to take Jubal to school, and my hubby even made an appearance in the early evening (it rained so he couldn't farm last night).

Here's a few of my favorite photos from Friday...

 What's in my sink in the morning.

 Jubal's collection of stuff in his room.  It can NOT be moved!

 Avery leaves her stuff EVERYWHERE!

Jubal playing in his room while I get ready for the day.

 Taking Jubal to school and listening to CIL...the kids sing along to almost every song :0)

 Avery wanted McDonald's for lunch today. 

French fries are her favorite.

 Relaxing on the couch and being cute.

 Working in my craft room.

 Picking out a movie.

Jubal ordered spy glasses from a book order and got them today.

 Plugged in.

Daddy's home for dinner tonight!

I'm looking forward to a peaceful weekend and I hope to start putting some templates together for my WITL album.  I purchased Ali's WITL templates from DesignerDigitals so I know that will help speed up the process.  

TFL!  Have a great weekend! 


Week In The Life - Thursday

Photos taken on Thursday:  52 with DSLR and 13 with iPhone

I'm still hanging in there and snapping away!  I started feeling a little bored with this when I woke up yesterday, but I just "let it be" and got right back in the mode again ;)

I forgot to snap a view of my words for Thursday, but here are some of the photos...

 Gotta have my morning cup o' coffee.

Fruit cup for breakfast.


 Love those lips!

 I can't believe he let his hands get this messy!

Today's desk shot.

 Avery picked these for me :)

 "Walking the line" to his Kindergarten screening.

 A little online shopping...well, window shopping anyway.

 Jubal's new chest of drawers got delivered today.

Stuff that needs to be organized.

 Looking at "Puddler" magazine.

Studying for a science test tomorrow.

Waiting for the Schwan's man to bring our order.

Just another ordinary Thursday at our house...I'm ready for the weekend!  My hubby told me last night when he got home from the field that he only has 80 more acres of corn left to plant, so I'm hoping the weather stays nice and he can finish up this weekend.  I'm kinda sorta starting to miss him :)